Formidable Forms Require One Field From a Set

Quite often when we WordPress site developers (or designers) are working to meet a client’s specifications, we find ourselves looking at a solution that is clear, but when implemented the way we read it, doesn’t work! I ran into that today with Formidable Forms. I needed to add the ability for one of two form fields to be required. In other words, when there are two form fields, you must fill in one of them. Here’s the how to section on the Formidable Forms support site:

Make sure one of the fields in a group of fields is required.

The code example with comments from that section is:

add_filter('frm_validate_entry', 'check_phone_fields', 10, 2);
function check_phone_fields( $errors, $values ) {
  if ( $values['form_id'] == 45 ) { // change 45 to your form id
    $group_fields = array(25, 26, 27); // change 25, 26, 27 to the ids of your fields
    foreach ( $group_fields as $field_id ) {
      if ( $_POST['item_meta'][$field_id] != '' ) {
        return $errors; // do not continue checking if any of these fields have a value
    foreach ( $group_fields as $field_id ) {
      $errors['field'. $field_id] = 'Please fill in one of the fields.';
  return $errors;

So what’s the problem, right? It could be because I’ve spent so many years coding html and css and just “didn’t get it” because I thought that I could just look at the rendered form in view source and get the ids I needed. 

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" class="frm-show-form  frm_pro_form  frm_js_validate  frm_ajax_submit " id="form_dpdc532" >

So I thought the form ID was 


It didn’t work at all. Then, more careful inspection of the code the form rendered showed me

<input name="form_id" type="hidden" value="9" />

That worked for requiring both fields, but not one or the other.

Similarly, I had made the same mistake because  the rendered code for the two fields that we wanted to make an either or requirement was.

<div id="frm_field_159_container" class="frm_form_field form-field  frm_top_container">
    <label for="field_vxgnk" class="frm_primary_label">Email Address
        <span class="frm_required"></span>
    <input type="email" id="field_vxgnk" name="item_meta[159]" value=""  data-invmsg="Email Address is invalid"  />

<div id="frm_field_144_container" class="frm_form_field form-field  frm_top_container">
    <label for="field_i21kj3" class="frm_primary_label">Mobile Phone Number
        <span class="frm_required"></span>
    <input type="tel" id="field_i21kj3" name="item_meta[144]" value=""  pattern="((\+\d{1,3}(-|.| )?\(?\d\)?(-| |.)?\d{1,5})|(\(?\d{2,6}\)?))(-|.| )?(\d{3,4})(-|.| )?(\d{4})(( x| ext)\d{1,5}){0,1}$" style="width:115px" data-invmsg="Mobile Phone Number is invalid" class="auto_width"  />


So my first thoughts were that the form ID values were

 field_vxgnk and field_i21kj3 

But those were wrong. I should have looked more carefully at the fields when I added them. There were the ID values:

Screenshot Formidable Form Field ID Screenshot Formidable Form Field ID

Finally, it all came together. The function I needed to add to the child theme’s functions.php file was

add_filter('frm_validate_entry', 'check_phone_fields', 10, 2);
function check_phone_fields( $errors, $values ) {
  if ( $values['form_id'] == 9 ) { // change 45 to your form id
    $group_fields = array(159, 144); // change 25, 26, 27 to the ids of your fields
    foreach ( $group_fields as $field_id ) {
      if ( $_POST['item_meta'][$field_id] != '' ) {
        return $errors; // do not continue checking if any of these fields have a value
    foreach ( $group_fields as $field_id ) {
      $errors['field'. $field_id] = 'Please fill in one of the fields.';
  return $errors;

And the form worked correctly!

Sometimes it isn’t as easy as I think it is going to be. ? ?