We are at an interesting point in the growth of our WordPress Website Developer business. We built our Boston business through Craigslist but some things have happened. Craigslist is turning into a very bad place to advertise real WordPress developer talent. By that I mean the understanding of WordPress functions, filters, actions, templates, CSS and child themes. The Go-To site of choice for many of my past clients seems to be Fiverr. I just had a client, who completely messed up the site I built for her, hire someone from Fiverr to fix her mess. They couldn’t. They made it worse. So I fixed it but it was only a 30 minute job so hardly worth the time. It wasn’t first time that I’ve lost a client to el cheapo incompetent WordPress consultants on Fiverr. I suppose I’ll signup just in case someone is looking for a native English speaking developer and is willing to pay more than $5 per hour.
That, however, isn’t going to help expand our business either in Boston or out of Boston to Minneapolis-St.Paul and Chicago. As I reflect on how WordPress itself as well as it’s infrastructure have become successful, it pretty clear that it starts with free. I’ve been leery of free because of my bad experience with a freemium software application that I helped to create. So I haven’t offered anything free. In fact, I took a different approach and setup mikegriffin.io to sell Elementor templates. I have not sold any. ?
I’ve already posted about the rise of WordPress Pre-Built Websites, AKA Dummy Websites or in my terms, Model Websites. My price list has a cost for everything. Tomorrow, I’m going to start putting together the files necessary for offering a completely free version of every model site. ?
We hope that by the time we launch in the Twin Cities and Chicago, offering some really good free Pre-Built WordPress Websites, aka Model Websites, will have started drawing some attention to our launch!